Mu - The root of the cperl type hierarchy
class MyClass {
has $a = 1;
my MyClass $obj = new MyClass;
print $obj->{a}; # OUTPUT: «1»
Mu provides generic methods for all cperl classes. All classes derive from Mu, the last @ISA
entry is always "Mu"
. The common prefix mu 無 means "not have", "without" in East Asian languages.
Creates a new object as avref with the declared number of fields (i.e. number of has
declarations, with padix offsets stored in @CLASSNAME::FIELDS
The array is shaped, and the field entries are initialized from the given positional args, and if missing from the initial class value, or if that is missing as undef
:const fields are being initialized without problems, :const only means that the method accessor is not :lvalue.
array fields, like has @a
are initialized as array refs, has fields, like has %h
are initialized as hash refs.
class XX {
has @a :const = (0..2);
has %h :const;
XX->new([0..4],{key => $val});
Creates a new object as avref with the declared number of fields (i.e. number of has
declarations, with padix offsets stored in @CLASSNAME::FIELDS
). The array is shaped, but the field entries are left empty.
... Many more methods to come, see
method fields (Mu) :Array(fields)
The fields method on a class or object of a class returns the ordered list of all declared has
fields of the class. See "CPERL METHODS" in fields on the available methods.
multi sub defined (Mu) :Bool
multi method defined () :Bool
Returns False on the type object, and True otherwise.
say Int->defined; # OUTPUT: «False»
my Int $i = 42;
say $i->defined; # OUTPUT: «True»
Very few types (like Failure) override defined to return False even for instances:
sub fails() { die 'oh noe' };
say fails()->defined; # OUTPUT: «False»
... Many more subroutines to come, see