8 #define P2_VERSION "0.0"
11 #define P2_SIG "p\02\10n"
19 # define NIL_NAME "undef" // nil => undef
20 # define NILKIND_NAME "Undef"
21 # undef POTION_SIG // do not mix compiled potion with p2 bytecode,
23 # define POTION_SIG P2_SIG
25 extern PN PN_use, PN_no;
44 #define P2_FUNC(f, s) potion_closure_new(P, (PN_F)f, p2_sig(P, s), 0)
49 #define potion_load_code p2_load_code
50 #define potion_load p2_load
51 #define potion_source_load p2_source_load
52 #define potion_parse p2_parse
53 #define potion_run p2_run
54 #define potion_eval p2_eval
PN p2_parse(Potion *, PN, char *)
PN p2_run(Potion *, PN, int)
PN p2_load(Potion *, PN, PN, PN)
PN p2_sig(Potion *, char *)
the global interpreter state P. currently singleton (not threads yet)
PN p2_source_load(Potion *P, PN cl, PN buf)