fprintf            30 core/callcc.c      fprintf(stderr, "** TODO: continuations which switch stacks must be rewritten. (%p != %p)\n",
fprintf            88 core/callcc.c    fprintf(stderr, "** TODO: callcc/yield does not work outside of X86 yet.\n");
fprintf           108 core/callcc.c      fprintf(stderr,"P->mem->cstack=0x%lx ", (_PN)sp1);
fprintf           659 core/compile.c 	  fprintf(stderr, "* extern %s not found. You may need to load a library first\n",
fprintf           688 core/compile.c                 fprintf(stderr, "* unknown extern %s argument type qualifier\n",
fprintf          1275 core/compile.c     fprintf(stderr, "** failed loading the compile/%s module\n", cb);
fprintf          1286 core/compile.c     fprintf(stderr, "** potion not compiled with JIT\n");
fprintf            70 core/contrib.c     fprintf(stderr, "** potion_mmap(%ld%s) failed, try last page at 0x%x\n", length, exec ? ",exec" : "", high);
fprintf            75 core/contrib.c       fprintf(stderr, "** potion_mmap(%ld%s) failed\n", length, exec ? ",exec" : "");
fprintf            95 core/contrib.c     fprintf(stderr, "** potion_mmap(%ld%s) failed\n", (long)length, exec ? ",exec" : "");
fprintf           204 core/gc.c          fprintf(stderr, "** Requesting too much memory: 0x%x > 0x%x\n", siz, POTION_MAX_BIRTH_SIZE);
fprintf           222 core/gc.c          fprintf(stderr, "** Out of memory\n");
fprintf           281 core/gc.c            fprintf(stderr, "** Out of memory\n");
fprintf           330 core/gc.c            fprintf(stderr, "** Invalid User Object 0x%lx vt: 0x%lx\n",
fprintf           283 core/internal.c   fprintf(stderr, "** %s\n", message);
fprintf           296 core/internal.c   fprintf(stderr, "** Syntax error: %s at \"%s\", line %d\n", PN_STR_PTR(out),
fprintf            22 core/load.c        fprintf(stderr, "** %s does not exist.", filename);
fprintf            27 core/load.c        fprintf(stderr, "** could not open %s. check permissions.", filename);
fprintf            41 core/load.c        fprintf(stderr, "** could not read entire file: %s.", filename);
fprintf            70 core/load.c        fprintf(stderr, "** error loading %s: %s\n", filename, dlerror());
fprintf            78 core/load.c        fprintf(stderr, "** error loading %s in %s: %s\n", init_func_name, filename, err);
fprintf           162 core/load.c        fprintf(stderr, "** can't find %s\n", PN_STR_PTR(file));
fprintf           175 core/load.c          fprintf(stderr, "** unrecognized file extension: %s\n", file_ext);
fprintf           177 core/load.c        fprintf(stderr, "** no file extension: %s\n", filename);
fprintf            82 core/potion.c        fprintf(stderr, "** %s does not exist.", filename);
fprintf            87 core/potion.c        fprintf(stderr, "** could not open %s. check permissions.", filename);
fprintf           107 core/potion.c        fprintf(stderr, "** could not read entire file.");
fprintf           149 core/potion.c      fprintf(stderr, "** potion built without JIT support\n");
fprintf           187 core/potion.c        fprintf(stderr, "** could not open %s for writing. check permissions.\n", outpath);
fprintf           209 core/potion.c        fprintf(stderr, "** could not write all %s compiled code (%u/%u) to %s\n",
fprintf           216 core/potion.c      fprintf(stderr, "\n-- gc check --\n");
fprintf           219 core/potion.c        fprintf(stderr, "%p.vt = %x (%u)\n",
fprintf           226 core/potion.c  	  fprintf(stderr, "** wrong type for allocated object: %p.vt = %x\n",
fprintf           233 core/potion.c  	fprintf(stderr, "** allocated object goes beyond GC pointer\n");
fprintf           294 core/potion.c  	    fprintf(stderr, "-L missing directory\n");
fprintf           379 core/potion.c          fprintf(stderr, "** Unrecognized option: %s\n", argv[i]);
fprintf           402 core/syntax.y      fprintf(stderr, "%s", s->chars);
fprintf          1073 core/vm-x86.c        fprintf(stderr, "** missing an upval to proto %p\n", (void *)proto);
fprintf           573 core/vm.c                      fprintf(stderr, "** missing an upval to proto %p\n", (void *)f);
fprintf           664 core/vm.c      	fprintf(stderr, "%d", op.b);
fprintf           665 core/vm.c            if (op.code == OP_DEBUG) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf           918 core/vm.c                  fprintf(stderr, "** missing an upval to proto %p\n", (void *)proto);
fprintf           937 core/vm.c      	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf           939 core/vm.c      	fprintf(stderr, "\t; %s\n", STRINGIFY(reg[op.a]));
fprintf           168 lib/aio.c          fprintf(stderr, "** Invalid type %s, expected %s",                  \
fprintf           184 lib/aio.c              fprintf(stderr, "** Invalid type %s, expected %s",   \
fprintf           663 lib/aio.c          fprintf(stderr, "** Invalid type %s, expected %s",
fprintf           273 lib/buffile.c    return fprintf(self->file, potion_send(obj, PN_string));
fprintf           430 lib/readline/linenoise.c     fprintf(stderr, "\x7");
fprintf           844 lib/readline/linenoise.c         fprintf(fp,"%s\n",history[j]);
fprintf           227 test/api/potion-test.c 	fprintf(stderr, "error: scanning heap from %p to %p\n",
fprintf           229 test/api/potion-test.c 	fprintf(stderr, "%p in %s region\n", scanptr,
fprintf           234 test/api/potion-test.c 	fprintf(stderr, "%p { uniq:0x%08x vt:0x%08x ivars[0]:0x%08lx type:0x%x}\n",
fprintf           237 test/api/potion-test.c 	fprintf(stderr, "prev %p: size=%d, type:0x%x (%s)\n",
fprintf           189 tools/compile.c static void nl(void)	        { fprintf(output, "\n"); }
fprintf           190 tools/compile.c static void pindent(void)	{ fprintf(output, "%*s", 2*indent, ""); }
fprintf           191 tools/compile.c static void begin(void)		{ indent++; pindent(); fprintf(output, "{"); }
fprintf           192 tools/compile.c static void define(const char* const def, const char* const v) { pindent(); fprintf(output, "  #define %s %s\n", def, v); }
fprintf           193 tools/compile.c static void undef(const char* const def) { pindent(); fprintf(output, "  #undef %s\n", def); }
fprintf           194 tools/compile.c static void save(int n)		{ nl(); pindent(); fprintf(output, "  int yypos%d= G->pos, yythunkpos%d= G->thunkpos;\n", n, n); }
fprintf           195 tools/compile.c static void label(int n)	{ nl(); pindent(); fprintf(output, "  l%d:\n", n); } /* Note: ensure that there is an expr following */
fprintf           196 tools/compile.c static void jump(int n)		{ pindent(); fprintf(output, "  goto l%d;", n); }
fprintf           197 tools/compile.c static void restore(int n)	{ pindent(); fprintf(output, "  G->pos= yypos%d; G->thunkpos= yythunkpos%d;\n", n, n); }
fprintf           198 tools/compile.c static void end(void)		{ pindent(); indent--; fprintf(output, "}\n"); }
fprintf           206 tools/compile.c       fprintf(stderr, "\ninternal error #1 (%s)\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           211 tools/compile.c       pindent(); fprintf(output, "  if (!yymatchDot(G)) goto l%d;\n", ko);
fprintf           215 tools/compile.c       pindent(); fprintf(output, "  if (!yy_%s(G)) ", node->name.rule->rule.name);
fprintf           216 tools/compile.c       pindent(); fprintf(output, "  goto l%d;\n", ko);
fprintf           218 tools/compile.c 	pindent(); fprintf(output, "  yyDo(G, yySet, %d, 0, \"yySet %s\");\n",
fprintf           231 tools/compile.c 	      fprintf(output, "  if (!yymatchChar(G, '\\'')) goto l%d;\n", ko);
fprintf           233 tools/compile.c 	      fprintf(output, "  if (!yymatchChar(G, '%s')) goto l%d;\n", node->string.value, ko);
fprintf           237 tools/compile.c 	    fprintf(output, "  if (!yymatchChar(G, '%s')) goto l%d;\n", node->string.value, ko);
fprintf           239 tools/compile.c 	    fprintf(output, "  if (!yymatchString(G, \"%s\")) goto l%d;\n", node->string.value, ko);
fprintf           247 tools/compile.c 	fprintf(output, "  if (!yymatchClass(G, (unsigned char *)\"%s\", \"%s\")) goto l%d;\n", makeCharClass(node->cclass.value), tmp, ko);
fprintf           253 tools/compile.c       pindent(); fprintf(output, "  yyDo(G, yy%s, G->begin, G->end, \"yy%s\");\n",
fprintf           258 tools/compile.c       pindent(); fprintf(output, "  yyText(G, G->begin, G->end);\n");
fprintf           261 tools/compile.c       pindent(); fprintf(output, "  if (!(%s)) goto l%d;\n", node->action.text, ko);
fprintf           273 tools/compile.c         pindent(); fprintf(output, "  yyText(G, G->begin, G->end);\n");
fprintf           276 tools/compile.c         pindent(); fprintf(output, "  %s;\n", node->error.text);
fprintf           302 tools/compile.c         pindent(); fprintf(output, "  ;\n");
fprintf           346 tools/compile.c 	pindent(); fprintf(output, "  ;\n");
fprintf           380 tools/compile.c       fprintf(stderr, "\nNode_compile_c_ko: illegal node type %d\n", node->type);
fprintf           402 tools/compile.c       pindent(); fprintf(output, "  #define %s G->val[%d]\n", node->variable.name, --count);
fprintf           424 tools/compile.c     fprintf(stderr, "rule '%s' used but not defined\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           430 tools/compile.c 	fprintf(stderr, "rule '%s' defined but not used\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           434 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "\nYY_RULE(int) yy_%s(GREG *G)\n{", node->rule.name);
fprintf           437 tools/compile.c 	fprintf(output, "  yyDo(G, yyPush, %d, 0, \"yyPush\");\n", countVariables(node->rule.variables));
fprintf           438 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "  yyprintfv((stderr, \"%%s\\n\", \"%s\"));\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           449 tools/compile.c         fprintf(output, "  yyprintfvokrule(\"%s\");\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           451 tools/compile.c         fprintf(output, "  yyprintfokrule(\"%s\");\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           453 tools/compile.c 	fprintf(output, "  yyDo(G, yyPop, %d, 0, \"yyPop\");\n", countVariables(node->rule.variables));
fprintf           454 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "  return 1;");
fprintf           459 tools/compile.c 	  fprintf(output, "  yyprintfvfailrule(\"%s\");\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           460 tools/compile.c 	  fprintf(output, "  return 0;");
fprintf           462 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "\n}");
fprintf           928 tools/compile.c   fprintf(output, "/* A recursive-descent parser generated by greg %d.%d.%d */\n", GREG_MAJOR, GREG_MINOR, GREG_LEVEL);
fprintf           929 tools/compile.c   fprintf(output, "\n");
fprintf           930 tools/compile.c   fprintf(output, "%s", header);
fprintf           931 tools/compile.c   fprintf(output, "#define YYRULECOUNT %d\n", ruleCount);
fprintf           944 tools/compile.c 	  fprintf(stderr, "possible infinite left recursion in rule '%s'\n", node->rule.name);
fprintf           989 tools/compile.c       fprintf(stderr, "\nconsumesInput: illegal node type %d\n", node->type);
fprintf          1003 tools/compile.c   fprintf(output, "%s", preamble);
fprintf          1005 tools/compile.c     fprintf(output, "YY_RULE(int) yy_%s(GREG *G); /* %d */\n", n->rule.name, n->rule.id);
fprintf          1006 tools/compile.c   fprintf(output, "\n");
fprintf          1011 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "YY_ACTION(void) yy%s(GREG *G, char *yytext, int yyleng, yythunk *thunk, YY_XTYPE YY_XVAR)\n{\n", n->action.name);
fprintf          1014 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "  yyprintf((stderr, \"do yy%s\"));\n", n->action.name);
fprintf          1015 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "  yyprintfvTcontext(yytext);\n");
fprintf          1017 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "  yyprintf((stderr, \"\\n  {%s}\\n\"));\n", tmp);
fprintf          1019 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "  {\n");
fprintf          1020 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "    %s;\n", block);
fprintf          1021 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "  }\n");
fprintf          1023 tools/compile.c       fprintf(output, "}\n");
fprintf          1026 tools/compile.c   fprintf(output, footer, start->rule.name);
fprintf            67 tools/greg.y   							    fprintf(stderr, "rule '%s' redefined\n", yytext); }
fprintf           171 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [<option>...] [<file>...]\n", name);
fprintf           172 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "where <option> can be\n");
fprintf           173 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "  -h          print this help information\n");
fprintf           174 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "  -o <ofile>  write output to <ofile>\n");
fprintf           175 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "  -v          be verbose\n");
fprintf           177 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "  -vv         be more verbose\n");
fprintf           179 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "  -V          print version number and exit\n");
fprintf           180 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "if no <file> is given, input is read from stdin\n");
fprintf           181 tools/greg.y     fprintf(stderr, "if no <ofile> is given, output is written to stdout\n");
fprintf           218 tools/greg.y   	  fprintf(stderr, "for usage try: %s -h\n", argv[0]);
fprintf           264 tools/greg.y       fprintf(output, "%s\n", headers->text);
fprintf            82 tools/tree.c     Node_print(node);  fprintf(stderr, " [%d]<- ", node->type);  Node_print(expression);  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf           270 tools/tree.c         fprintf(stderr, "### %ld\t", p - stack);
fprintf           272 tools/tree.c         fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf           282 tools/tree.c     dumpStack();  fprintf(stderr, " PUSH ");  Node_print(node);  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf           297 tools/tree.c     dumpStack();  fprintf(stderr, " POP\n");
fprintf           309 tools/tree.c       case Rule:		fprintf(stream, " %s", node->rule.name);				break;
fprintf           310 tools/tree.c       case Variable:	fprintf(stream, " %s", node->variable.name);				break;
fprintf           311 tools/tree.c       case Name:		fprintf(stream, " %s", node->name.rule->rule.name);			break;
fprintf           312 tools/tree.c       case Dot:		fprintf(stream, " .");							break;
fprintf           313 tools/tree.c       case Character:	fprintf(stream, " '%s'", node->character.value);			break;
fprintf           314 tools/tree.c       case String:	fprintf(stream, " \"%s\"", node->string.value);				break;
fprintf           315 tools/tree.c       case Class:		fprintf(stream, " [%s]", node->cclass.value);				break;
fprintf           316 tools/tree.c       case Action:	fprintf(stream, " { %s }", node->action.text);				break;
fprintf           317 tools/tree.c       case Predicate:	fprintf(stream, " ?{ %s }", node->action.text);				break;
fprintf           318 tools/tree.c       case Error:		fprintf(stream, " ~{ %s }", node->error.text);				break;
fprintf           321 tools/tree.c   			fprintf(stream, " (");
fprintf           325 tools/tree.c   			    fprintf(stream, " |");
fprintf           328 tools/tree.c   			fprintf(stream, " )");
fprintf           332 tools/tree.c   			fprintf(stream, " (");
fprintf           336 tools/tree.c   			fprintf(stream, " )");
fprintf           339 tools/tree.c       case PeekFor:	fprintf(stream, "&");  Node_fprint(stream, node->query.element);	break;
fprintf           340 tools/tree.c       case PeekNot:	fprintf(stream, "!");  Node_fprint(stream, node->query.element);	break;
fprintf           341 tools/tree.c       case Query:		Node_fprint(stream, node->query.element);  fprintf(stream, "?");	break;
fprintf           342 tools/tree.c       case Star:		Node_fprint(stream, node->query.element);  fprintf(stream, "*");	break;
fprintf           343 tools/tree.c       case Plus:		Node_fprint(stream, node->query.element);  fprintf(stream, "+");	break;
fprintf           345 tools/tree.c         fprintf(stream, "\nunknown node type %d\n", node->type);
fprintf           356 tools/tree.c     fprintf(stream, "%s.%d =", node->rule.name, node->rule.id);
fprintf           360 tools/tree.c       fprintf(stream, " UNDEFINED");
fprintf           361 tools/tree.c     fprintf(stream, " ;\n");
fprintf           376 tools/tree.c   	fprintf(stderr, "free Rule %s.%d\n", node->rule.name, node->rule.id);
fprintf           394 tools/tree.c   	fprintf(stderr, "free Action %s\n", node->action.name);
fprintf           403 tools/tree.c   	fprintf(stderr, "free Alternate %p\n", node);
fprintf           417 tools/tree.c   	fprintf(stderr, "free Sequence %p\n", node);
fprintf           433 tools/tree.c         fprintf(stderr, "\nunknown node type %d\n", node->type);