cperl hash tables

The old perl5 hash table uses

  • linked lists for its collisions, with slow out-of-cache pointer chasing and data overhead.

  • unsorted flags at the end, while some flags are needed for compare.

  • has questionable security measures to slow down all cases. seed ok, randomize iter maybe, but randomize the collisions and slow hash funcs is stupid. The security should be fixed with proper collision iteration, not by pseudo-security theatre upfront.

  • no collision search abstraction. The internal implementation quirks leaked into core and even external modules.

  • four different HE types. Only one is needed.

  • inefficient combination of action flags. many magic hash key lookups involve internally 3-4 hash lookups.

  • was seriously broken 4 times so far.

In order to clean up the mess, I did the following

  • Added multiple new hash functions, run statistics and evaluated them. See perl-hash-stats

  • Took over maintainance of the general hash function test suite smhasher

  • Attempt to fix the wrong wikipedia entry about hash tables. It prominently claims that perl5 hash tables are highly optimized, when in fact they are highly deoptimized, and are in fact the worst and slowest hash table implementation in existance.

  • Posted the results to p5p, which was ignored. A few sentences they said made it clear, that they had no idea what they were doing. E.g. they made fun of Donald Knuth, and of course of me (besides calling me an asshole once again). Hinting that they maybe should consult an independent expert sitting in the same office didn’t help. Revising their broken implementation of hash tables four times so far doesn’t improve trust into their abilities.

  • Started implementing perfect hashes, because they were needed to speed up all the readonly hashes in core (Config, warnings, unicode tables). Found some interesting new results, esp. how to speed up memcmp by 50% - 2000% with a constant string.

  • Studied hash function and hash table security, and detected a lot of theatre and wrong practices in most dynamic languages, but interestingly not in the more technical-orientated important public services, usually maintained by a single person. Apparently community driven development in large teams is the worst, contradicting “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”. I’ll have to seperate that into a new blog post. There are many more tellsigns of community-based development agony. Wrote brute-force and solver-based attacks. (No, I’m not gonna publish these). So far I could only convince google to revise their documentation. Added hashflood testcases to cperl to test detecting such attacks.

cperl hash tables use

✓ a fast and short hash function FNV1A

✓ proper DoS and DDoS security by detecting attacks, logging and mitigating it. Not using the slowest of all usable hash function SipHash, as this doesn’t really help against attacks.

PERTURB_KEYS_TOP move-to-front with a linked list is the only sane strategy for simple chained bucket lists with many reads.

HV_FILL_RATE: try lower fill rates than 100%. 100% is pretty insane, esp. with our bad hash funcs. Make it fast with builtin_ctz. FNV1A fill rates

✓ use builtin_ctz for faster division in DO_HSPLIT. Allow -DHV_FILL_RATE=90 definition. (Tested to be the best with FNV1A)

✓ extract uncommon magical code in hot code to an extra static function to help keep the icache smaller. only in rare cases this branch is taken. (i.e filling ENV at startup). Measured 2-15% faster with normal scripts, not using tied hashes.

✓ fixed -DNODEFAULT_SHAREKEYS, preventing every single hash lookup to be done twice. First in strtab, then in the real hash.

pre-extend the hash size to the size of the resulting hashes in many cases to avoid initialization splits: internal stashes of some known packages, internal hashes of some known size, fix the hash assign operator to that in user-code.

and several other minor optimizations. Typically 20% faster than in perl5.

cperl is working on these improvements:

  • abstraction of the abstract HE_EACH collision iterator in the feature/gh24-base-hash branch (stable).

  • array_he: abstract AHE, inline parts of the HE into the array. array_he vs ll_he. (linked list, see also the he-array branch). array_he (HvARRAY = AHE[]) can contain { hent_he, hent_hash }. This way the hash catches 99% of all comparisons already, and we don’t have to chase the external hek ptr, when the hash check fails. Every HE entry is then be 2 words (128), instead of one word (64), called AHE. The linked list still contains the old HE*, with { hent_next, hent_hek, hent_val }. This is implemented and works fine in the featurex/gh24-hash-loop branch (stable), and on top of that the featurex/gh24-array_he branch, which is the base to most other hash tables below.

  • HE_ARRAY: According to http://goanna.cs.rmit.edu.au/~jz/fulltext/spire05.pdf the best for chained hashing is currently a cache-friendly array of buckets, instead of a linked list. cache-friendly continuous buffer of HE’s w/ inlined HEK (char_) + SV_ val, but no hash, no next ptr. Also for shared he’s: PL_strtab.

  • small hash type: linear search in embedded array up to 7 keys. ruby, v8 and several others measured 3-5 to be a big win, esp. for their object fields, but we don’t even have that yet. avoid the hash init, calc and search overhead, esp. with our overly slow hash tables.

  • hash-sortbuckets: a sorted static list of collisions (up to 8, maybe start with 3, then 8) as in the Knuth “ordered hash table”. We will not use that.

  • khash: use open addressing as everyone else. faster, less space. But khash needs a few fixes. And we can not use that, as perl5 is not properly abstracted to be able to use external hash tables.

  • one-word-AHE: As possible improvement on that on 64bit use 48bits for the HE ptr, and 16bits of the hash to be compared first. See https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Fast-Dynamically-Sized-Concurrent-Hash-Table-Barnat-Rockai/ab7dd007587f411cf99bfe056639e055eff22e0c/pdf

  • use robin-hood as this is currently the best worse-case strategy (being super defensive, but not so stupid to use SipHash, which adds no benefit). With better native threading support (shared hashes) eventually use leapfrog.

  • compact ordered hash. use an array of short indices into a compacted array of hash/key/val entries as in PyPy and now python: “compact ordered dict”. This saves a lot of space and only add’s one indirect lookup into cache-friendly array. See methane/cpython#1 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2016-September/146327.html This also iterates over the hash in insertion order, which effectively hides any attempt to get the seed over the iterators. For attacks you need to get collision and robin-hood reordering timings.

  • get rid of HEK_WASUTF8. “There shall be only one state, not two”. Rather fix the encoding bug (CPAN) instead.

p5p plans

p5p announced that it is working on switching to an abstract vtable for hash tables, which is similar to their idea to run-time switch hash functions truly horrendous. They say it is needed to abstract readonly (i.e. perfect hashes), and maybe tied and restricted hashes.

The cost of this would be another indirection in every hash table call, and I don’t see any benefit.

I don’t see a cleanup of the monstrous implementation and different types and attempts to actually improve any of the problematic issues. As usual with p5p it will make the situation even worse, not better.


Having worked with PERTURB_KEYS_TOP move-to-front in cperl for a few years now, there’s only one broken module Text::CVS_XS, which assumes in one of its testcases for parse without headers that the ordering of keys is stable when the size did not change. The fix is in my distroprefs.

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