This source file includes following definitions.
- potion_proto_tree
- potion_proto_call
- potion_sig_string
- potion_proto_string
- potion_source_debug
- potion_arg_asmb
- potion_source_asmb
- potion_sig_compile
- potion_source_compile
- potion_proto_clone
- potion_proto_load
- potion_source_load
- potion_proto_dumpbc
- potion_source_dumpbc
- potion_source_dump
- potion_run
- potion_eval
- potion_compiler_init
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "p2.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "ast.h"
#include "opcodes.h"
#include "asm.h"
#define PN_ASM1(ins, _a) f->asmb = (PN)potion_asm_op(P, (PNAsm *)f->asmb, (u8)ins, (int)_a, 0)
#define PN_ASM2(ins, _a, _b) f->asmb = (PN)potion_asm_op(P, (PNAsm *)f->asmb, (u8)ins, (int)_a, (int)_b)
const struct {
const char *name;
const u8 args;
} potion_ops[] = {
{"noop", 0}, {"move", 2}, {"loadk", 2}, {"loadpn", 2}, {"self", 1},
{"newtuple", 2}, {"settuple", 2}, {"getlocal", 2}, {"setlocal", 2},
{"getupval", 2}, {"setupval", 2}, {"global", 2}, {"gettable", 2},
{"settable", 2}, {"newlick", 2}, {"getpath", 2}, {"setpath", 2},
{"add", 2}, {"sub", 2}, {"mult", 2}, {"div", 2}, {"mod", 2}, {"pow", 2},
{"not", 1}, {"cmp", 2}, {"eq", 2}, {"neq", 2}, {"lt", 2}, {"lte", 2},
{"gt", 2}, {"gte", 2}, {"bitn", 2}, {"bitl", 2}, {"bitr", 2}, {"def", 2},
{"bind", 2}, {"msg", 2}, {"jump", 1}, {"test", 2}, {"testjmp", 2},
{"notjmp", 2}, {"named", 2}, {"call", 2}, {"callset", 2}, {"tailcall", 2},
{"return", 1}, {"proto", 2}, {"class", 2}, {"debug", 2}
PN potion_proto_tree(Potion *P, PN cl, PN self) {
return PN_PROTO(self)->tree;
PN potion_proto_call(Potion *P, PN cl, PN self, PN args) {
return potion_vm(P, self, P->lobby, args, 0, NULL);
PN potion_sig_string(Potion *P, PN cl, PN sig) {
PN out = potion_byte_str(P, "");
if (PN_IS_TUPLE(sig)) {
int nextdef = 0;
struct PNTuple * volatile t = ((struct PNTuple *)potion_fwd(sig));
if (t->len != 0) {
PN_SIZE i, comma=0;
for (i = 0; i < t->len; i++) {
PN v = (PN)t->set[i];
if (PN_IS_NUM(v)) {
int c = PN_INT(v); comma=0;
if (c == '.')
pn_printf(P, out, ".");
else if (c == '|')
pn_printf(P, out, "|");
else if (c == ':') { nextdef = 1;
pn_printf(P, out, ":");
else {
if (comma++) pn_printf(P, out, ",");
if (nextdef) { nextdef = 0;
pn_printf(P, out, "=");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, v);
} else
pn_printf(P, out, "=%c", c);
} else {
if (comma++) pn_printf(P, out, ",");
if (nextdef)
{ nextdef = 0; pn_printf(P, out, "="); }
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, v);
return PN_STR_B(out);
PN potion_proto_string(Potion *P, PN cl, PN self) {
vPN(Proto) t = (struct PNProto *)self;
int x = 0;
PN_SIZE num = 1;
PN_SIZE numcols;
PN out = potion_byte_str(P, "; function definition");
#ifdef JIT_DEBUG
pn_printf(P, out, ": %p; %u bytes\n", t, PN_FLEX_SIZE(t->asmb));
pn_printf(P, out, ": %u bytes\n", PN_FLEX_SIZE(t->asmb));
if (t->name)
pn_printf(P, out, "; %s(", PN_STR_PTR(t->name));
pn_printf(P, out, "; (");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, potion_sig_string(P, cl, t->sig));
pn_printf(P, out, ") %ld registers\n", PN_INT(t->stack));
PN_TUPLE_EACH(t->paths, i, v, {
pn_printf(P, out, ".path /");
v = PN_TUPLE_AT(t->values, PN_INT(v));
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, v);
pn_printf(P, out, " ; %u\n", i);
PN_TUPLE_EACH(t->locals, i, v, {
pn_printf(P, out, ".local ");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, v);
pn_printf(P, out, " ; %u\n", i);
PN_TUPLE_EACH(t->upvals, i, v, {
pn_printf(P, out, ".upval ");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, v);
pn_printf(P, out, " ; %u\n", i);
PN_TUPLE_EACH(t->values, i, v, {
pn_printf(P, out, ".value ");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, v);
pn_printf(P, out, " ; %u\n", i);
PN_TUPLE_EACH(t->protos, i, v, {
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, v);
numcols = (int)ceil(log10(PN_FLEX_SIZE(t->asmb) / sizeof(PN_OP)));
for (x = 0; x < PN_FLEX_SIZE(t->asmb) / sizeof(PN_OP); x++) {
const int commentoffset = 20;
int width = pn_printf(P, out, "[%*u] %-8s %d",
numcols, num, potion_ops[PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).code].name, PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).a);
if (potion_ops[PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).code].args > 1)
width += pn_printf(P, out, " %d", PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).b);
if (width < commentoffset)
pn_printf(P, out, "%*s", commentoffset - width, "");
pn_printf(P, out, " ");
switch (PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).code) {
case OP_JMP:
pn_printf(P, out, "; to %d", num + PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).a + 1);
pn_printf(P, out, "; to %d", num + PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).b + 1);
pn_printf(P, out, "; ");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).b);
case OP_LOADK:
pn_printf(P, out, "; ");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, PN_TUPLE_AT(t->values, PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).b));
pn_printf(P, out, "; ");
potion_bytes_obj_string(P, out, PN_TUPLE_AT(t->locals, PN_OP_AT(t->asmb, x).b));
pn_printf(P, out, "\n");
pn_printf(P, out, "; function end\n");
return PN_STR_B(out);
#define PN_REG(f, reg) \
if (reg >= PN_INT(f->stack)) \
f->stack = PN_NUM(reg + 1)
#ifdef P2XXX
#define PN_ARG(n, reg) \
if (PN_PART(t->a[n]) == AST_LIST && PN_PART(PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(t->a[n],0), 0)) == AST_EXPR) { \
PN test = PN_S(PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(t->a[n],0), 0), 0); \
if (!PN_IS_NIL(test)) { \
DBG_c("list (expr %s) => %s\n", AS_STR(test), AS_STR(test)); \
PN_TUPLE_EACH(test, i, v, { \
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v), reg); }); \
} \
} else { \
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[n], reg); \
#define PN_ARG(n, reg) \
if (PN_PART(t->a[n]) == AST_EXPR && PN_PART(PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(t->a[n],0), 0)) == AST_LIST) { \
PN test = PN_S(PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(t->a[n],0), 0), 0); \
if (!PN_IS_NIL(test)) { \
DBG_c("expr (list %s) => %s\n", AS_STR(test), AS_STR(test)); \
PN_TUPLE_EACH(test, i, v, { \
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v), reg); }); \
} \
} else { \
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[n], reg); \
#define PN_BLOCK(reg, blk, sig) ({ \
PN block = potion_send(blk, PN_compile, (PN)f, sig); \
PN_SIZE num = PN_PUT(f->protos, block); \
DBG_c("protos => %u\n", num); \
PN_ASM2(OP_PROTO, reg, num); \
PN_TUPLE_EACH(((struct PNProto *)block)->upvals, i, v, { \
PN_SIZE numup = PN_GET(f->upvals, v); \
DBG_c("upvals %s <= %d\n", AS_STR(v), (int)numup); \
if (numup != PN_NONE) PN_ASM2(OP_GETUPVAL, reg, numup); \
else PN_ASM2(OP_GETLOCAL, reg, PN_GET(f->locals, v)); \
}); \
#define PN_UPVAL(name) ({ \
PN_SIZE numl = PN_GET(f->locals, name); \
DBG_c("locals %s <= %d\n", AS_STR(name), (int)numl); \
PN_SIZE numup = PN_NONE; \
if (numl == PN_NONE) { \
numup = PN_GET(f->upvals, name); \
if (numup == PN_NONE) { \
DBG_c("upvals %s <= -1\n", AS_STR(name)); \
vPN(Proto) up = f; \
int depth = 1; \
while (PN_IS_PROTO(up->source)) { \
up = (struct PNProto *)up->source; \
if (PN_NONE != (numup = PN_GET(up->locals, name))) break; \
depth++; \
} \
DBG_c("locals %s <= %d\n", AS_STR(name), (int)numup); \
if (numup != PN_NONE) { \
up = f; \
while (depth--) { \
up->upvals = PN_PUSH(up->upvals, name); \
DBG_c("upvals %s =>\n", AS_STR(name)); \
up = (struct PNProto *)up->source; \
} \
} \
numup = PN_GET(f->upvals, name); \
DBG_c("upvals %s <= %d\n", AS_STR(name), (int)numup); \
} \
} \
numup; \
#define PN_ARG_TABLE(args, reg, inc) potion_arg_asmb(P, f, loop, args, ®, inc)
#define SRC_TUPLE_AT(src,i) PN_SRC((PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(src,0), i)))
#define PN_ASM_DEBUG(REG, T) REG = potion_source_debug(P, f, T, REG)
u8 potion_source_debug(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, struct PNSource * volatile t, u8 reg) {
static int lineno = 0;
if ((P->flags & EXEC_DEBUG) && t && t->loc.lineno != lineno && (int)t->loc.lineno >= 0) {
PN_SIZE num = PN_PUT(f->debugs, (PN)t);
PN_ASM2(OP_DBG, reg, num);
lineno = t->loc.lineno;
DBG_c("debug %s :%d\n", PN_STR_PTR(potion_send(t, PN_name)), lineno);
return reg;
#define MAX_JUMPS 1024
struct PNLoop {
int bjmps[MAX_JUMPS];
int cjmps[MAX_JUMPS];
int bjmpc;
int cjmpc;
void potion_source_asmb(Potion *, struct PNProto * volatile, struct PNLoop *, PN_SIZE, struct PNSource * volatile, u8);
void potion_arg_asmb(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, struct PNLoop *loop, PN args, u8 *reg, int inc) {
if (args != PN_NIL) {
if (PN_PART(args) == AST_LIST) {
args = PN_S(args,0);
if (!PN_IS_NIL(args)) {
u8 freg = *reg, sreg = *reg + PN_TUPLE_LEN(args) + 1;
DBG_c("ARGLIST %d %d\n", freg, sreg);
PN_TUPLE_EACH(args, i, v, {
if (inc) {
if (PN_PART(v) == AST_ASSIGN) {
vPN(Source) lhs = PN_SRC(PN_S(v,0));
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v)->a[1], sreg + 1);
if (lhs->part == AST_EXPR && PN_TUPLE_LEN(PN_S(lhs,0)) == 1)
lhs = SRC_TUPLE_AT(lhs, 0);
PN_ASM_DEBUG(sreg, lhs);
if (lhs->part == AST_MSG || lhs->part == AST_VALUE) {
PN_OP op; op.a = PN_S(lhs,0);
if (!PN_IS_PTR(PN_S(lhs,0)) && PN_S(lhs,0) == op.a) {
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADPN, sreg, PN_S(lhs,0));
} else {
PN_SIZE num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(lhs,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", sreg, AS_STR(lhs->a[0]), (int)num);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, sreg, num);
lhs = NULL;
if (lhs != NULL)
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, lhs, sreg);
PN_ASM2(OP_NAMED, freg - 1, sreg + 1);
PN_REG(f, sreg + 1);
} else
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v), *reg);
} else
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v), *reg);
} else {
if (inc) (*reg)++;
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(args), *reg);
} else {
if (inc) (*reg)++;
PN_ASM_DEBUG(*reg, PN_SRC(args));
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADPN, *reg, args);
void potion_source_asmb(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, struct PNLoop *loop, PN_SIZE count,
struct PNSource * volatile t, u8 reg) {
PN_REG(f, reg);
PN_ASM_DEBUG(reg, t);
switch (t->part) {
case AST_CODE:
if (PN_S(t,0) != PN_NIL) {
DBG_c("%s %u %s\n", t->part == AST_CODE?"code":"block", reg,
t->part == AST_CODE?"":AS_STR(PN_S(t,0)));
PN_TUPLE_EACH(PN_S(t,0), i, v, {
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v), reg);
case AST_EXPR:
if (PN_S(t,0) != PN_NIL) {
PN e = PN_S(t,0);
DBG_c("expr %u %s\n", reg, AS_STR(e));
PN_TUPLE_EACH(e, i, v, {
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, i, PN_SRC(v), reg);
PN_BLOCK(reg, PN_S(t,1), PN_S(t,0));
case AST_VALUE: {
PN_OP op; op.a = PN_S(t,0);
if (!PN_IS_PTR(PN_S(t,0)) && PN_S(t,0) == (PN)op.a) {
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADPN, reg, PN_S(t,0));
} else {
PN_SIZE num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(t,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", reg, AS_STR(t->a[0]), (int)num);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, reg, num);
if (PN_S(t,1) != PN_NIL) {
u8 breg = reg;
PN_ASM1(OP_SELF, ++breg);
PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(t,1), breg, 1);
if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL) {
PN_BLOCK(breg, PN_S(t,2), PN_NIL);
DBG_c("; call %d %d VALUE\n", reg, breg);
PN_ASM2(OP_CALL, reg, breg);
case AST_ASSIGN: {
vPN(Source) lhs = t->a[0];
PN_SIZE num = PN_NONE, c = count;
u8 opcode = OP_GETUPVAL, breg = reg;
if (lhs->part == AST_EXPR) {
unsigned long i = 0;
c = PN_TUPLE_LEN(PN_S(lhs,0)) - 1;
DBG_c("assign expr [%lu]\n", (_PN)c);
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, i, SRC_TUPLE_AT(lhs, i), reg);
lhs = SRC_TUPLE_AT(lhs, c);
PN_ASM_DEBUG(reg, lhs);
if (lhs->part == AST_MSG || lhs->part == AST_QUERY) {
#ifndef P2
char first_letter = PN_STR_PTR(PN_S(lhs,0))[0];
DBG_c("assign %s '%s'\n", lhs->part == AST_MSG?"msg":"query",
#ifndef P2
if ((first_letter & 0x80) == 0 && isupper((unsigned char)first_letter)) {
num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(lhs,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", breg, AS_STR(lhs->a[0]), (int)num);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, breg, num);
opcode = OP_GLOBAL;
num = ++breg;
} else
if (c == 0) {
num = PN_UPVAL(PN_S(lhs,0));
if (num == PN_NONE) {
num = PN_PUT(f->locals, PN_S(lhs,0));
DBG_c("locals %s => %d\n", AS_STR(lhs->a[0]), (int)num);
opcode = OP_GETLOCAL;
#if 0
if (lhs->part == AST_MSG) {
PN rhs = PN_TUPLE_AT(f->locals, num);
fname = PN_S(lhs,0);
DBG_c("getlocal %s %ld = %s\n",
PN_STR_PTR(fname), PN_INT(num), AS_STR(rhs));
} else {
num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(lhs,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", breg+1, AS_STR(lhs->a[0]), (int)num);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, ++breg, num);
opcode = OP_DEF;
num = ++breg;
} else if (lhs->part == AST_PATH || lhs->part == AST_PATHQ) {
DBG_c("assign %s\n", lhs->part == AST_PATH?"path":"pathq");
num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(lhs,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", breg+1, AS_STR(lhs->a[0]), (int)num);
if (c == 0) {
PN_PUT(f->paths, PN_NUM(num));
DBG_c("paths %d\n", (int)num);
PN_ASM1(OP_SELF, reg);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, ++breg, num);
opcode = OP_GETPATH;
num = ++breg;
if (lhs->a[1] != PN_NIL) {
breg = reg;
PN_ASM2(opcode, ++breg, num);
DBG_c("; callset %d %d ASSIGN\n", reg, breg);
PN_ASM2(OP_CALLSET, reg, breg);
PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(lhs,1), breg, 1);
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[1], ++breg);
DBG_c("; call %d %d ASSIGN\n", reg, breg);
PN_ASM2(OP_CALL, reg, breg);
} else {
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[1], breg);
if (opcode == OP_GETUPVAL) {
if (lhs->part == AST_QUERY) {
PN_ASM2(OP_GETUPVAL, breg, num);
PN_ASM2(OP_TESTJMP, breg, 1);
PN_ASM2(OP_SETUPVAL, reg, num);
} else if (opcode == OP_GETLOCAL) {
if (lhs->part == AST_QUERY) {
PN_ASM2(OP_GETLOCAL, breg, num);
PN_ASM2(OP_TESTJMP, breg, 1);
} else {
DBG_c("setlocal %d %d\n", reg, (int)num);
PN_ASM2(OP_SETLOCAL, reg, num);
} else if (opcode == OP_GETPATH) {
if (lhs->part == AST_PATHQ) {
PN_ASM2(OP_GETPATH, reg, num);
PN_ASM2(OP_TESTJMP, reg, 1);
PN_ASM2(OP_SETPATH, reg, num);
} else {
PN_ASM2(opcode, reg, num);
PN_REG(f, breg);
case AST_INC: {
u8 breg = reg;
vPN(Source) lhs = t->a[0];
PN_SIZE num = PN_UPVAL(PN_S(lhs,0));
u8 opcode = OP_SETUPVAL;
if (num == PN_NONE) {
num = PN_PUT(f->locals, PN_S(lhs,0));
DBG_c("locals %s => %d\n", AS_STR(lhs->a[0]), (int)num);
opcode = OP_SETLOCAL;
if (opcode == OP_SETUPVAL)
PN_ASM2(OP_GETUPVAL, reg, num);
else if (opcode == OP_SETLOCAL)
PN_ASM2(OP_GETLOCAL, reg, num);
if (PN_IS_NUM(PN_S(t,1))) {
PN_ASM2(OP_MOVE, breg, reg);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADPN, breg + 1, (PN_S(t,1) | PN_FNUMBER));
PN_ASM2(OP_ADD, breg, breg + 1);
PN_ASM2(opcode, breg, num);
PN_REG(f, breg + 1);
case AST_CMP: case AST_EQ: case AST_NEQ:
case AST_GT: case AST_GTE: case AST_LT: case AST_LTE:
case AST_PLUS: case AST_MINUS: case AST_TIMES: case AST_DIV:
case AST_REM: case AST_POW: case AST_BITL: case AST_BITR: {
PN_ARG(0, reg);
PN_ARG(1, reg + 1);
switch (t->part) {
case AST_CMP: PN_ASM2(OP_CMP, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_EQ: PN_ASM2(OP_EQ, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_NEQ: PN_ASM2(OP_NEQ, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_GTE: PN_ASM2(OP_GTE, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_GT: PN_ASM2(OP_GT, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_LT: PN_ASM2(OP_LT, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_LTE: PN_ASM2(OP_LTE, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_PLUS: PN_ASM2(OP_ADD, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_MINUS: PN_ASM2(OP_SUB, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_TIMES: PN_ASM2(OP_MULT, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_DIV: PN_ASM2(OP_DIV, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_REM: PN_ASM2(OP_REM, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_POW: PN_ASM2(OP_POW, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_BITL: PN_ASM2(OP_BITL, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_BITR: PN_ASM2(OP_BITR, reg, reg + 1); break;
case AST_NOT: case AST_WAVY:
PN_ARG(0, reg);
PN_ASM2(t->part == AST_WAVY ? OP_BITN : OP_NOT, reg, reg);
case AST_AND: case AST_OR: {
int jmp;
PN_ARG(0, reg);
jmp = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb);
PN_ASM2(t->part == AST_AND ? OP_NOTJMP : OP_TESTJMP, reg, 0);
PN_ARG(1, reg);
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, jmp).b = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - jmp) - 1;
case AST_MSG:
case AST_QUERY: {
u8 breg = reg;
int arg = (PN_S(t,1) != PN_NIL);
int call = (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL || arg);
PN ifconst = PN_NONE;
#ifdef P2
if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_use) {
# if 0
PN use = PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(t,1), 0);
PN name = PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(t,1), 1);
PN list = potion_tuple_at(P,0,PN_S(t,1),2);
PN class = potion_require(P, name);
if (use == PN_use) potion_send(class, PN_STR("import"), list);
else if (use == PN_no) potion_send(class, PN_STR("unimport"), list);
else potion_fatal("Internal error: use or no");
# endif
if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_if) {
int jmp; breg++;
#ifdef P2
if (!t->a[2]) {
DBG_c("expr (msg if, (cond)), block => expr (msg if, (cond), block)\n");
if (P->flags & MODE_P2) {
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "%s statement used as expr only valid with use p2;", "if");
if (t->a[1]->part == AST_VALUE && !t->a[1]->a[1]) {
ifconst = PN_S(t->a[1], 0);
if (PN_TEST1(ifconst)) {
DBG_c("if (true) {block} => block\n");
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[2], reg);
} else {
DBG_c("if (false) {block} => \n");
} else {
ifconst = PN_NONE;
PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(t,1), breg, 0);
jmp = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb);
PN_ASM2(OP_NOTJMP, breg, 0);
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[2], reg);
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, jmp).b = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - jmp) - 1;
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_elsif) {
int jmp1 = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb), jmp2; breg++;
#ifdef P2
if (!t->a[2]) {
DBG_c("expr (msg elsif, (cond)), block => expr (msg elsif, (cond), block)\n");
if (P->flags & MODE_P2) {
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "%s statement used as expr only valid with use p2;", "elsif");
if (ifconst != PN_NONE && PN_TEST1(ifconst)) {
DBG_c("elsif (...) {block} => [false]\n");
} else if (t->a[1]->part == AST_VALUE && !t->a[1]->a[1]) {
ifconst = PN_S(t->a[1], 0);
if (!PN_TEST1(ifconst)) {
DBG_c("elsif (true) {block} => block\n");
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[2], reg);
} else {
DBG_c("elsif (false) {block} =>\n");
else {
PN_ASM2(OP_TESTJMP, breg, 0);
PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(t,1), breg, 0);
jmp2 = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb);
PN_ASM2(OP_NOTJMP, breg, 0);
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[2], reg);
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, jmp1).b = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - jmp1) - 1;
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, jmp2).b = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - jmp2) - 1;
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_else) {
int jmp = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb); breg++;
#ifdef P2
if (!t->a[2]) {
DBG_c("expr (msg else), block => expr (msg else, block)\n");
if (P->flags & MODE_P2) {
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "%s statement used as expr only valid with use p2;", "else");
if (ifconst != PN_NONE) {
if (!PN_TEST1(ifconst)) {
DBG_c("else {block} => block [false]\n");
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[2], reg);
} else {
DBG_c("else {block} => [true]\n");
else {
PN_ASM2(OP_TESTJMP, breg, 0);
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[2], reg);
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, jmp).b = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - jmp) - 1;
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_class) {
u8 breg = reg;
if (count == 0)
PN_ASM1(OP_SELF, reg);
if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL) {
vPN(Source) blk = PN_S_(t,2);
if (PN_S(blk, 0) == PN_NIL)
blk->a[0] = PN_SRC(PN_AST(CODE, PN_NIL, blk->loc.lineno, blk->line));
PN ctor = PN_S(blk, 0);
PN_STRN("self", 4), blk->loc.lineno, 0)),
blk->loc.lineno, blk->line));
PN_BLOCK(breg, (PN)blk, PN_S(t,1));
PN_ASM2(OP_CLASS, reg, breg);
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && (PN_S(t,0) == PN_while || PN_S(t,0) == PN_loop)) {
int jmp1 = 0, jmp2 = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb); breg++;
struct PNLoop l; l.bjmpc = 0; l.cjmpc = 0;
int i;
if (PN_S(t,0) == PN_while) {
PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(t,1), breg, 0);
jmp1 = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb);
PN_ASM2(OP_NOTJMP, breg, 0);
} else if (PN_S(t,1) || !t->a[2]) {
goto loopfunc;
potion_source_asmb(P, f, &l, 0, t->a[2], reg);
PN_ASM1(OP_JMP, (jmp2 - PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb)) - 1);
if (PN_S(t,0) == PN_while) {
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, jmp1).b = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - jmp1) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < l.bjmpc; i++) {
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, l.bjmps[i]).a = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - l.bjmps[i]) - 1;
for (i = 0; i < l.cjmpc; i++) {
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, l.cjmps[i]).a = (jmp2 - l.cjmps[i]) - 1;
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_return) {
PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(t,1), reg, 0);
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_break) {
if (loop != NULL) {
loop->bjmps[loop->bjmpc++] = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb);
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "'break' outside of loop");
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_continue) {
if (loop != NULL) {
loop->cjmps[loop->cjmpc++] = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb);
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "'continue' outside of loop");
} else if (t->part == AST_MSG && PN_S(t,0) == PN_self) {
PN_ASM1(OP_SELF, reg);
} else {
loopfunc: ;
u8 opcode = OP_GETUPVAL;
PN v = PN_S(t,0);
if (count == 0 && t->part == AST_MSG) {
num = PN_UPVAL(v);
if (num == PN_NONE) {
num = PN_GET(f->locals, v);
DBG_c("locals %s <= %d\n", AS_STR(v), (int)num);
opcode = OP_GETLOCAL;
if (num == PN_NONE && PN_S(t,0) != PN_NIL) {
u8 oreg = ++breg;
int jmp = 0;
num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(t,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", reg, AS_STR(t->a[0]), (int)num);
if (count == 0) {
PN_ASM1(OP_SELF, oreg);
} else {
PN_ASM2(OP_MOVE, oreg, reg);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, reg, num);
if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL && (PN_PART(PN_S(t,2)) == AST_MSG)) {
vPN(Source) t2 = PN_S_(t,2);
DBG_c("typed %s %s\n", AS_STR(t->a[0]), AS_STR(t2));
num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(t2,0));
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, reg, num);
PN_ASM2(OP_BIND, reg, breg);
} else {
PN_ASM2(PN_S(t,1) != PN_NIL || PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL ? OP_MSG : OP_BIND, reg, breg);
if (t->part == AST_QUERY && PN_S(t,1) != PN_NIL) {
jmp = PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb);
PN_ASM2(OP_NOTJMP, reg, 0);
#define LOAD_ARG() PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(t,1), breg, 1)
if (arg) {
u8 part1 = PN_PART(PN_S(t,1));
if (part1 == AST_VALUE || (part1 == AST_LIST && PN_S(t,2) == PN_NIL)) {
if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL && (PN_PART(PN_S(t,2)) == AST_PROTO)) {
vPN(Source) t2 = PN_S_(t,2);
PN_BLOCK(breg, PN_S(t2,1), PN_S(t2,0));
} else {
if (PN_S(t,1) == PN_NIL && PN_S(t,2) == PN_NIL)
if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL && PN_PART(PN_S(t,2)) == AST_BLOCK) {
PN_BLOCK(breg, PN_S(t,2), PN_S(t,1));
#undef LOAD_ARG
if (t->part == AST_MSG) {
DBG_c("; call %d %d MSG\n", reg, breg);
PN_ASM2(OP_CALL, reg, breg);
} else {
if (PN_S(t,1) != PN_NIL) {
DBG_c("; call %d %d !MSG\n", reg, breg);
PN_ASM2(OP_CALL, reg, breg);
PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, jmp).b = (PN_OP_LEN(f->asmb) - jmp) - 1;
} else {
PN_ASM2(OP_TEST, reg, breg);
} else {
if (num != PN_NONE)
PN_ASM2(opcode, reg, num);
if (call) {
PN_ASM1(OP_SELF, ++breg);
PN_ARG_TABLE(PN_S(t,1), breg, 1);
if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL) {
PN_BLOCK(breg, PN_S(t,2), PN_NIL);
DBG_c("; call %d %d\n", reg, breg);
PN_ASM2(OP_CALL, reg, breg);
PN_REG(f, breg);
case AST_PATH:
case AST_PATHQ: {
PN_SIZE num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(t,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", reg, AS_STR(t->a[0]), (int)num);
if (count == 0) {
PN_PUT(f->paths, PN_NUM(num));
DBG_c("paths %d\n", (int)num);
PN_ASM1(OP_SELF, reg);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, reg + 1, num);
PN_ASM2(OP_GETPATH, reg, reg + 1);
if (t->part == AST_PATHQ)
PN_ASM2(OP_TEST, reg, reg);
PN_REG(f, reg + 1);
case AST_LICK: {
u8 breg = reg;
PN_SIZE num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(t,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", reg, AS_STR(t->a[0]), (int)num);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, reg, num);
if (PN_S(t,1) != PN_NIL)
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[1], ++breg);
else if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL)
if (PN_S(t,2) != PN_NIL)
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, t->a[2], ++breg);
PN_ASM2(OP_NEWLICK, reg, breg);
PN_REG(f, breg);
case AST_LIST:
if (PN_S(t,0) != PN_NIL) {
PN_TUPLE_EACH(PN_S(t,0), i, v, {
if (PN_PART(v) == AST_ASSIGN) {
vPN(Source) lhs = PN_SRC(PN_S(v,0));
if (lhs->part == AST_EXPR && PN_TUPLE_LEN(PN_S(lhs,0)) == 1)
lhs = SRC_TUPLE_AT(lhs, 0);
if (lhs->part == AST_MSG) {
PN_ASM_DEBUG(reg, lhs);
PN_SIZE num = PN_PUT(f->values, PN_S(lhs,0));
DBG_c("values %d %s => %d\n", reg+1, AS_STR(lhs->a[0]), (int)num);
PN_ASM2(OP_LOADK, reg + 1, num);
lhs = NULL;
if (lhs != NULL)
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, lhs, reg + 1);
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v)->a[1], reg + 2);
PN_ASM2(OP_SETTABLE, reg, reg + 2);
PN_REG(f, reg + 2);
} else {
potion_source_asmb(P, f, loop, 0, PN_SRC(v), reg + 1);
PN_ASM2(OP_SETTUPLE, reg, reg + 1);
PN_REG(f, reg + 1);
#define SIG_EXPR_MSG(name,expr) \
if (expr->part == AST_EXPR) { \
vPN(Source) t = SRC_TUPLE_AT(expr, 0); \
if (t->part == AST_MSG) { \
name = PN_S(t,0); \
PN_PUT(f->locals, name); \
DBG_c("locals %s\n", PN_STR_PTR(name)); \
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, name); \
} \
} else { name = PN_NIL; }
PN potion_sig_compile(Potion *P, vPN(Proto) f, PN src) {
vPN(Source) t = PN_SRC(src);
#ifdef P2
PN sig = PN_S(t,0);
if (!sig)
sig = PN_TUP0();
PN_TUPLE_EACH(sig, i, v, {
if (PN_IS_STR(v)) {
PN_PUT(f->locals, v);
DBG_c("locals %s\n", PN_STR_PTR(v));
PN sig = PN_TUP0();
if (t->part == AST_LIST && PN_S(t,0) != PN_NIL) {
({ struct PNTuple * volatile __tv = ((struct PNTuple *)potion_fwd(PN_S(t,0)));
if (__tv->len != 0) {
DBG_c("--- sig compile ---\n");
for (i = 0; i < __tv->len; i++) {
struct PNSource *v = PN_SRC(__tv->set[i]);
vPN(Source) expr = PN_SRC(v);
PN name = 0;
SIG_EXPR_MSG(name, expr)
if (expr->part == AST_VALUE) {
vPN(Source) lhs = expr->a[0];
PN v = PN_S(lhs,0);
if (PN_IS_STR(v)) {
DBG_c("sig: lhs value, computed name %s\n", AS_STR(v));
PN_PUT(f->locals, v);
DBG_c("locals %s\n", PN_STR_PTR(v));
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, v);
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "in signature: value %s as argument name", AS_STR(v));
} else if (expr->part == AST_PIPE) {
vPN(Source) lhs = expr->a[0];
vPN(Source) rhs = expr->a[1];
PN name2 = 0;
SIG_EXPR_MSG(name, lhs);
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, PN_NUM('|'));
SIG_EXPR_MSG(name2, rhs);
DBG_c("; (%s | %s)\n", AS_STR(name), AS_STR(name2));
} else if (expr->part == AST_ASSIGN) {
vPN(Source) lhs = expr->a[0];
vPN(Source) rhs = expr->a[1];
if (lhs->part == AST_EXPR && PN_TUPLE_LEN(PN_S(lhs,0)) == 1) {
SIG_EXPR_MSG(name, lhs);
lhs = SRC_TUPLE_AT(lhs, 0);
DBG_c("; (%s ", AS_STR(name));
else if (lhs->part == AST_PIPE) {
SIG_EXPR_MSG(name, lhs->a[0]);
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, PN_NUM('|'));
rhs = lhs->a[1];
DBG_c("; (%s | ", AS_STR(name));
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "in signature: unexpected AST %s", AS_STR(lhs));
if (rhs->part == AST_EXPR && PN_TUPLE_LEN(rhs->a[0]) == 1) {
rhs = SRC_TUPLE_AT(rhs, 0);
if (rhs->part == AST_MSG) {
PN v = PN_NUM(PN_STR_PTR(PN_S(rhs,0))[0]);
DBG_c("%s)\n", AS_STR(v));
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, v);
} else if (rhs->part == AST_ASSIGN && rhs->a[0]->part == AST_PIPE) {
lhs = PN_S_(PN_S_(rhs, 0), 0);
if (lhs->part == AST_EXPR && SRC_TUPLE_AT(lhs,0)->part == AST_MSG) {
PN v = PN_NUM(PN_STR_PTR((PN)SRC_TUPLE_AT(lhs,0)->a[0])[0]);
DBG_c("%s)\n", AS_STR(v));
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, v);
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, PN_NUM('|'));
SIG_EXPR_MSG(name, rhs->a[0]->a[1]);
rhs = rhs->a[1];
if (rhs->part == AST_EXPR && SRC_TUPLE_AT(rhs,0)->part == AST_MSG) {
PN v = PN_S(SRC_TUPLE_AT(rhs,0),0);
v = PN_NUM(PN_STR_PTR(v)[0]);
DBG_c("%s)\n", AS_STR(v));
sig = PN_PUSH(sig, v);
} else if (rhs->part == AST_VALUE) {
PN v = PN_S(rhs,0);
DBG_c(": %s)\n", AS_STR(v));
sig = PN_PUSH(PN_PUSH(sig, PN_NUM(':')), v);
} else {
potion_syntax_error(P, "in signature: unexpected AST %s", AS_STR(expr));
return sig;
PN potion_source_compile(Potion *P, PN cl, PN self, PN source, PN sig) {
vPN(Proto) f;
vPN(Source) t = (struct PNSource *)self;
switch (t->part) {
case AST_CODE:
case AST_BLOCK: break;
default: return PN_NIL;
f = PN_ALLOC(PN_TPROTO, struct PNProto);
f->source = source;
f->stack = PN_NUM(1);
f->protos = PN_TUP0();
f->paths = PN_TUP0();
f->locals = PN_TUP0();
f->upvals = PN_TUP0();
f->values = PN_TUP0();
f->debugs = PN_TUP0();
f->tree = self;
DBG_c("-- compile --\n");
f->sig = (sig == PN_NIL ? PN_TUP0() : potion_sig_compile(P, f, sig));
f->asmb = (PN)potion_asm_new(P);
f->name = PN_NIL;
potion_source_asmb(P, f, NULL, 0, t, 0);
f->localsize = PN_TUPLE_LEN(f->locals);
f->upvalsize = PN_TUPLE_LEN(f->upvals);
f->pathsize = PN_TUPLE_LEN(f->paths);
return (PN)f;
PN potion_proto_clone(Potion *P, PN cl, PN self) {
vPN(Proto) f = (struct PNProto *)self;
vPN(Proto) n = PN_ALLOC(PN_TPROTO, struct PNProto);
PN PN_clone = PN_STR("clone");
PNAsm * volatile asmb;
PN len;
n->source = f->source;
n->stack = f->stack;
n->protos = potion_send(PN_clone, f->protos);
n->paths = potion_send(PN_clone, f->paths);
n->locals = potion_send(PN_clone, f->locals);
n->upvals = potion_send(PN_clone, f->upvals);
n->values = potion_send(PN_clone, f->values);
n->debugs = potion_send(PN_clone, f->debugs);
n->tree = f->tree;
n->localsize = f->localsize;
n->upvalsize = f->upvalsize;
n->pathsize = f->pathsize;
n->name = f->name;
n->sig = PN_IS_TUPLE(f->sig) ? potion_send(PN_clone, f->sig) : f->sig;
len = ((PNAsm *)f->asmb)->len;
PN_FLEX_NEW(asmb, PN_TBYTES, PNAsm, len);
PN_MEMCPY_N(asmb->ptr, ((PNAsm *)f->asmb)->ptr, u8, len);
asmb->len = len;
n->asmb = (PN)asmb;
return (PN)n;
#define READ_U8(ptr) ({u8 rpu = *ptr; ptr += sizeof(u8); rpu;})
#define READ_PN(pn, ptr) ({PN rpn = *(PN *)ptr; ptr += pn; rpn;})
#define READ_CONST(pn, ptr) ({ \
PN val = READ_PN(pn, ptr); \
if (PN_IS_PTR(val)) { \
if (val & 2) { \
size_t len = ((val ^ 2) >> 4) - 1; \
val = potion_decimal(P, (char *)ptr, len); \
ptr += len; \
} else { \
size_t len = (val >> 4) - 1; \
val = PN_STRN((char *)ptr, len); \
ptr += len; \
} \
} \
val; \
#define READ_TUPLE(ptr) \
long i = 0, count = READ_U8(ptr); \
PN tup = potion_tuple_with_size(P, (PN_SIZE)count); \
for (; i < count; i++)
#define READ_VALUES(pn, ptr) ({ \
READ_TUPLE(ptr) PN_TUPLE_AT(tup, i) = READ_CONST(pn, ptr); \
tup; \
#define READ_PROTOS(pn, ptr) ({ \
READ_TUPLE(ptr) PN_TUPLE_AT(tup, i) = potion_proto_load(P, (PN)f, pn, &(ptr)); \
tup; \
PN potion_proto_load(Potion *P, PN up, u8 pn, u8 **ptr) {
PN len = 0;
PNAsm * volatile asmb = NULL;
vPN(Proto) f = PN_ALLOC(PN_TPROTO, struct PNProto);
f->source = READ_CONST(pn, *ptr);
if (f->source == PN_NIL) f->source = up;
f->sig = READ_VALUES(pn, *ptr);
f->stack = READ_CONST(pn, *ptr);
f->values = READ_VALUES(pn, *ptr);
f->paths = READ_VALUES(pn, *ptr);
f->locals = READ_VALUES(pn, *ptr);
f->upvals = READ_VALUES(pn, *ptr);
f->protos = READ_PROTOS(pn, *ptr);
f->debugs = PN_TUP0();
len = READ_PN(pn, *ptr);
PN_FLEX_NEW(asmb, PN_TBYTES, PNAsm, len);
PN_MEMCPY_N(asmb->ptr, *ptr, u8, len);
asmb->len = len;
f->asmb = (PN)asmb;
f->localsize = PN_TUPLE_LEN(f->locals);
f->upvalsize = PN_TUPLE_LEN(f->upvals);
f->pathsize = PN_TUPLE_LEN(f->paths);
*ptr += len;
return (PN)f;
PN potion_source_load(Potion *P, PN cl, PN buf) {
u8 *ptr;
vPN(BHeader) h = (struct PNBHeader *)PN_STR_PTR(buf);
if ((size_t)PN_STR_LEN(buf) <= sizeof(struct PNBHeader) ||
strncmp((char *)h->sig, POTION_SIG, 4) != 0)
return PN_NIL;
ptr = h->proto;
return potion_proto_load(P, PN_NIL, h->pn, &ptr);
#define WRITE_U8(un, ptr) ({*ptr = (u8)un; ptr += sizeof(u8);})
#define WRITE_PN(pn, ptr) ({*(PN *)ptr = pn; ptr += sizeof(PN);})
#define WRITE_CONST(val, ptr) ({ \
if (PN_IS_STR(val)) { \
PN count = (PN_STR_LEN(val)+1) << 4; \
WRITE_PN(count, ptr); \
PN_MEMCPY_N(ptr, PN_STR_PTR(val), char, PN_STR_LEN(val)); \
ptr += PN_STR_LEN(val); \
} else if (PN_IS_DECIMAL(val)) { \
PN str = potion_num_string(P, PN_NIL, val); \
PN count = ((PN_STR_LEN(str)+1) << 4) | 2; \
WRITE_PN(count, ptr); \
PN_MEMCPY_N(ptr, PN_STR_PTR(str), char, PN_STR_LEN(str)); \
ptr += PN_STR_LEN(str); \
} else { \
PN cval = (PN_IS_PTR(val) ? PN_NIL : val); \
WRITE_PN(cval, ptr); \
} \
#define WRITE_TUPLE(tup, ptr) \
long i = 0, count = PN_TUPLE_LEN(tup); \
WRITE_U8(count, ptr); \
for (; i < count; i++)
#define WRITE_VALUES(tup, ptr) ({ \
WRITE_TUPLE(tup, ptr) WRITE_CONST(PN_TUPLE_AT(tup, i), ptr); \
#define WRITE_PROTOS(tup, ptr) ({ \
WRITE_TUPLE(tup, ptr) ptr += potion_proto_dumpbc(P, PN_TUPLE_AT(tup, i), \
out, (char *)ptr - PN_STR_PTR(out)); \
long potion_proto_dumpbc(Potion *P, PN proto, PN out, long pos) {
vPN(Proto) f = (struct PNProto *)proto;
char *start = PN_STR_PTR(out) + pos;
u8 *ptr = (u8 *)start;
WRITE_CONST(f->source, ptr);
WRITE_VALUES(f->sig, ptr);
WRITE_CONST(f->stack, ptr);
WRITE_VALUES(f->values, ptr);
WRITE_VALUES(f->paths, ptr);
WRITE_VALUES(f->locals, ptr);
WRITE_VALUES(f->upvals, ptr);
WRITE_PROTOS(f->protos, ptr);
WRITE_PN(PN_FLEX_SIZE(f->asmb), ptr);
PN_MEMCPY_N(ptr, ((PNFlex *)f->asmb)->ptr, u8, PN_FLEX_SIZE(f->asmb));
ptr += PN_FLEX_SIZE(f->asmb);
return (char *)ptr - start;
PN potion_source_dumpbc(Potion *P, PN cl, PN proto, PN options) {
PN pnb = potion_bytes(P, 8192);
struct PNBHeader h;
DBG_c("compile bc\n");
PN_MEMCPY_N(h.sig, POTION_SIG, u8, 4);
h.major = POTION_MAJOR;
h.minor = POTION_MINOR;
h.vmid = POTION_VMID; = (u8)sizeof(PN);
PN_MEMCPY(PN_STR_PTR(pnb), &h, struct PNBHeader);
PN_STR_LEN(pnb) = (long)sizeof(struct PNBHeader) +
potion_proto_dumpbc(P, proto, pnb, sizeof(struct PNBHeader));
return pnb;
PN potion_source_dump(Potion *P, PN cl, PN self, PN backend, PN options) {
char *cb = PN_STR_PTR(backend);
if (backend == PN_STRN("bc", 2))
return potion_source_dumpbc(P, cl, self, options);
if (potion_load(P, P->lobby, self, potion_strcat(P, "compile/", cb))) {
DBG_c("loaded compile/%s\n", cb);
DBG_c("Source dump%s(%s)\n", cb, PN_IS_STR(options) ? PN_STR_PTR(options) : "");
return potion_send(self, potion_strcat(P, "dump", cb), options);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "** failed loading the compile/%s module\n", cb);
return PN_NIL;
PN potion_run(Potion *P, PN code, int jit) {
if (jit) {
fprintf(stderr, "** potion not compiled with JIT\n");
jit = 0;
if (jit) {
PN cl = potion_closure_new(P, (PN_F)potion_jit_proto(P, code), PN_NIL, 1);
PN_CLOSURE(cl)->data[0] = code;
return PN_PROTO(code)->jit(P, cl, P->lobby);
} else {
return potion_vm(P, code, P->lobby, PN_NIL, 0, NULL);
PN potion_eval(Potion *P, PN bytes) {
PN code = (PN_TYPE(bytes) == PN_TSOURCE)
? bytes
: potion_parse(P, bytes, "<eval>");
if (PN_TYPE(code) != PN_TSOURCE) return code;
code = potion_send(code, PN_compile, PN_NIL, PN_NIL);
return potion_run(P, code, P->flags & EXEC_JIT);
void potion_compiler_init(Potion *P) {
potion_method(pro_vt, "call", potion_proto_call, "args=u");
potion_method(pro_vt, "tree", potion_proto_tree, 0);
potion_method(pro_vt, "string", potion_proto_string, 0);
potion_method(pro_vt, "clone", potion_proto_clone, 0);
potion_method(src_vt, "compile", potion_source_compile, "source=a,sig=u");
potion_method(src_vt, "dump", potion_source_dump, "backend=S|options=S");
potion_method(src_vt, "dumpbc", potion_source_dumpbc, "|options=S");