
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


/** \file ast.h
 the ast for Potion code in-memory

 (c) 2008 why the lucky stiff, the freelance professor */
#ifndef POTION_AST_H
#define POTION_AST_H

/// PNArg - call a function (unused). See now macro PN_S(name,1), PN_S(name,2)
typedef struct {
  PN v; ///< args
  PN b; ///< block
} PNArg;

// PN_AST - tree-types, now in potion.h
//enum PN_AST {

#define PN_TOK_MISSING 0x10000

#define PN_AST(T, A, N, L)        potion_source(P, AST_##T, A, PN_NIL, PN_NIL, N, L)
#define PN_AST2(T, A, B, N, L)    potion_source(P, AST_##T, A, B, PN_NIL, N, L)
#define PN_AST3(T, A, B, C, N, L) potion_source(P, AST_##T, A, B, C, N, L)
#define PN_AST_(T, A)          potion_source(P, AST_##T, A, PN_NIL, PN_NIL, -1, PN_NIL)
#define PN_AST2_(T, A, B)      potion_source(P, AST_##T, A, B, PN_NIL, -1, PN_NIL)
#define PN_AST3_(T, A, B, C)   potion_source(P, AST_##T, A, B, C, -1, PN_NIL)
//! Warning: This might conflict with the typedef struct PN_OP
#define PN_OP(T, A, B)         potion_source(P, T, A, B, PN_NIL, 0, PN_NIL)
#define PN_TUPIF(T)   PN_IS_TUPLE(T) ? T : PN_TUP(T)
#define PN_SRC(S)     ((struct PNSource *)S)
#define PN_PART(S)    ((struct PNSource *)S)->part
#define PN_S_(S, N)   ((struct PNSource *)S)->a[N] //lvalue
#define PN_S(S, N)    (PN)(((struct PNSource *)S)->a[N])
#define PN_CLOSE(B) ({ \
    PN endname = B; \
    if (PN_IS_TUPLE(endname)) endname = PN_TUPLE_AT(endname, 0); \
    if (endname != PN_NIL) { \
      if (PN_PART(endname) == AST_EXPR) endname = PN_TUPLE_AT(PN_S(endname, 0), 0); \
      if (PN_PART(endname) == AST_MSG || PN_PART(endname) == AST_PATH) \
        endname = PN_S(endname, 0); \
      if (P->unclosed == endname) { P->unclosed = PN_NIL; } \
    } \

PN potion_source(Potion *, u8, PN, PN, PN, int, PN);


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */