
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. potion_ppc_setup
  2. potion_ppc_stack
  3. potion_ppc_registers
  4. potion_ppc_local
  5. potion_ppc_upvals
  6. potion_ppc_jmpedit
  7. potion_ppc_move
  8. potion_ppc_loadpn
  9. potion_ppc_loadk
  10. potion_ppc_self
  11. potion_ppc_getlocal
  12. potion_ppc_setlocal
  13. potion_ppc_getupval
  14. potion_ppc_setupval
  15. potion_ppc_global
  16. potion_ppc_newtuple
  17. potion_ppc_gettuple
  18. potion_ppc_settuple
  19. potion_ppc_search
  20. potion_ppc_gettable
  21. potion_ppc_settable
  22. potion_ppc_newlick
  23. potion_ppc_getpath
  24. potion_ppc_setpath
  25. potion_ppc_add
  26. potion_ppc_sub
  27. potion_ppc_mult
  28. potion_ppc_div
  29. potion_ppc_rem
  30. potion_ppc_pow
  31. potion_ppc_neq
  32. potion_ppc_eq
  33. potion_ppc_lt
  34. potion_ppc_lte
  35. potion_ppc_gt
  36. potion_ppc_gte
  37. potion_ppc_bitn
  38. potion_ppc_bitl
  39. potion_ppc_bitr
  40. potion_ppc_def
  41. potion_ppc_bind
  42. potion_ppc_message
  43. potion_ppc_jmp
  44. potion_ppc_test_asm
  45. potion_ppc_test
  46. potion_ppc_not
  47. potion_ppc_cmp
  48. potion_ppc_testjmp
  49. potion_ppc_notjmp
  50. potion_ppc_named
  51. potion_ppc_call
  52. potion_ppc_callset
  53. potion_ppc_tailcall
  54. potion_ppc_return
  55. potion_ppc_method
  56. potion_ppc_class
  57. potion_ppc_finish
  58. potion_ppc_mcache
  59. potion_ppc_ivars

/**\file vm-ppc.c
the powerpc jit (32-bit only), unfinished!
\see core/vm.c and doc/

(c) 2008 why the lucky stiff, the freelance professor */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "potion.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "opcodes.h"
#include "asm.h"


 Like on other platforms, Potion attempts to match the conventions
 used by C compilers. In C, the stack layout looks something like:

   sp | linkage (24 bytes) | parameters | locals | saved |

 Note that while PowerPC has an EA, registers and stack space are
 the same. This is actually pretty ideal for Potion, since I can
 use the parameters area (the general-purpose registers) as if
 they were Potion's registers, then copy everything to the
 saved registers area when it comes time to make a call. This
 cuts down the assembler in every operation except for OP_CALL.

 Now, if OP_CALL proves to be slow, I've considered an optimization.
 Since Potion already uses a contiguous set of registers to pass
 arguments, maybe I could just save the registers and the linkage,
 shift the stack pointer, then set it back once the call is done.

 Alternatively, maybe it would be nice to give Potion's VM its
 own set of parameter registers, as a hint to the JIT.

#define RBP(x) (0x18 + (x * sizeof(PN)))

/// The EABI reserves GPR1 for a stack pointer, GPR3-GPR7 for function
/// argument passing, and GPR3 for function return values. (In Potion,
/// it's the same but GPR3 is also used as scratch space and GPR4-7 act
/// as general registers when not being used for parameters.)
#define REG(x) (x == 0 ? 0 : (x == 1 ? 2 : x + 2))
/// The scratch space, register 3, is referred to as rD in the notation.
#define REG_TMP 3

#define PPC(ins, a, b, c, d) \
  ASM((ins << 2) | ((a >> 2) & 0x3)); \
  ASM((a << 5)   | (b & 0x1F)); \
  ASM(c); ASM(d)
#define PPC3(ins, a, b, c) \
  PPC(ins, a, b, c >> 8, c)
#define PPC2(ins, a, b) \
  PPC(ins, a, 0, b >> 8, b)
#define PPCN(ins, a) \
  ASM(ins << 2); \
  ASM(a >> 16); ASM(a >> 8); ASM(a)

#define PPC_MOV(a, b) \
  PPC(31, b, a, (b << 3) | 0x3, 0x78); // or rA,rB,rB
#define PPC_UNBOX() \
  PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), 0x0e, 0x70); /* srawi rA,rA,1 */ \
  PPC(31, REG(op.b), REG(op.b), 0x0e, 0x70) /* srawi rB,rB,1 */
#define PPC_MATH(do) \
  PPC_UNBOX(); \
  do; /* add, sub, ... */ \
  PPC(21, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), 0x08, 0x3c); /* rlwin rA,rA,1,0,30 */ \
  PPC3(24, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), 1); /* ori rA,1 */ \
  PPC(21, REG(op.b), REG(op.b), 0x08, 0x3c); /* rlwin rB,rB,1,0,30 */ \
  PPC3(24, REG(op.b), REG(op.b), 1); /* ori rB,1 */
#define PPC_CMP(cmp) \
  PPC_UNBOX(); \
  PPC(31, 7 << 2, REG(op.a), REG(op.b) << 3, 0x40); /* cmplw cr7,rA,rB */ \
  ASMI(cmp | 12); /* bCMP +12 */ \
  PPC2(14, REG(op.a), PN_TRUE); /* li rA,TRUE */ \
  ASMI(0x48000008); /* b +8 */ \
  PPC2(14, REG(op.a), PN_FALSE); /* li rA,FALSE */
#define TAG_JMP(ins, jpos) \
  if (jpos >= pos) { \
    jmps[*jmpc].from = asmp[0]->len; \
    ASMI(ins); \
    jmps[*jmpc].to = jpos + 1; \
    *jmpc = *jmpc + 1; \
  } else if (jpos < pos) { \
    int off = (offs[jpos + 1] - (asmp[0]->len)); \
    if (ins == 0x48000000) \
      ASMI(ins | (off & 0x3FFFFFF)); \
    else \
      ASMI(ins | (off & 0xFFFF)); \
  } else { \
    ASMI(ins); \

void potion_ppc_setup(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp) {
  PPC3(47, 30, 1, 0xFFF8); // stmw r30,-8(r1)

void potion_ppc_stack(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, long rsp) {
  rsp = -((rsp+31)&~(15));
  PPC3(37, 1, 1, rsp); // stwu r1,-X(r1)
  PPC_MOV(30, 1); // or r30,r1,r1

void potion_ppc_registers(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, long start) {

void potion_ppc_local(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, long reg, long arg) {

void potion_ppc_upvals(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, long lregs, long start, int upc) {

void potion_ppc_jmpedit(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, unsigned char *asmj, int dist) {
  if (asmj[0] == 0x48) {
    asmj[0] |= (dist >> 24) & 3;
    asmj[1] = dist >> 16;
  asmj[2] = dist >> 8;
  asmj[3] = dist + 4;

void potion_ppc_move(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_MOV(REG(op.a), REG(op.b)); // li rA,B

void potion_ppc_loadpn(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC2(14, REG(op.a), op.b); // li rA,B

void potion_ppc_loadk(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PN val = PN_TUPLE_AT(f->values, op.b);
  PPC2(15, REG(op.a), val >> 16); // lis rA,B
  PPC3(24, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), val); // ori rA,B

void potion_ppc_self(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_getlocal(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long regs) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC3(32, REG(op.a), 30, RBP(op.b)); // lwz rA,-B(rsp)

void potion_ppc_setlocal(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long regs) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC3(36, REG(op.a), 30, RBP(op.b)); // stw rA,-B(rsp)

void potion_ppc_getupval(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long lregs) {

void potion_ppc_setupval(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long lregs) {

void potion_ppc_global(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_newtuple(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_gettuple(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_settuple(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_search(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_gettable(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
void potion_ppc_settable(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_newlick(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_getpath(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_setpath(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_add(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), REG(op.b) << 3 | 0x2, 0x14); // add rA,rA,rB

void potion_ppc_sub(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.b), REG(op.a) << 3, 0x50); // subf rA,rA,rB

void potion_ppc_mult(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), REG(op.b) << 3 | 0x1, 0xD6); // mullw rA,rA,rB

void potion_ppc_div(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), REG(op.b) << 3 | 0x3, 0xD6); // divw rA,rA,rB

void potion_ppc_rem(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC(31, REG_TMP, REG(op.a), REG(op.b) << 3 | 0x3, 0xD6); // divw rD,rA,rB
    PPC(31, REG_TMP, REG_TMP, REG(op.b) << 3 | 0x1, 0xD6); // mullw rD,rD,rB
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG_TMP, REG(op.a) << 3, 0x50); // subf rA,rD,rA

// TODO: need to keep rB in the saved registers, it gets clobbered.
void potion_ppc_pow(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC_MOV(REG_TMP, REG(op.a)); // mov rD,rB
    PPC(14, REG(op.b), REG(op.b), 0xFF, 0xFF); // addi rD,rD,-1
    PPC(11, 7 << 2, REG(op.b), 0, 0); // cmpwi cr7,rD,0x0
    ASMI(0x409D000C); // ble cr7,-12
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), REG_TMP << 3 | 0x1, 0xD6); // mullw rA,rA,rA
    ASMI(0x4BFFFFF0); // b -16

void potion_ppc_neq(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_CMP(0x419E0000); // beq

void potion_ppc_eq(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_CMP(0x409E0000); // bne

void potion_ppc_lt(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_CMP(0x409C0000); // bge

void potion_ppc_lte(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_CMP(0x419D0000); // bgt

void potion_ppc_gt(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_CMP(0x409D0000); // ble

void potion_ppc_gte(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_CMP(0x419C0000); // blt

void potion_ppc_bitn(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_bitl(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), REG(op.b) << 3, 0x30); // slw rA,rA,rB

void potion_ppc_bitr(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
    PPC(31, REG(op.a), REG(op.a), REG(op.b) << 3 | 0x6, 0x30); // sraw rA,rA,rB

void potion_ppc_def(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_bind(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_message(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_jmp(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, PN_OP *start, PNJumps *jmps, size_t *offs, int *jmpc) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  TAG_JMP(0x48000000, pos + op.a); // b

void potion_ppc_test_asm(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, int test) {

void potion_ppc_test(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  potion_ppc_test_asm(P, f, asmp, pos, 1);

void potion_ppc_not(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  potion_ppc_test_asm(P, f, asmp, pos, 0);

void potion_ppc_cmp(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {

void potion_ppc_testjmp(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, PN_OP *start, PNJumps *jmps, size_t *offs, int *jmpc) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC(11, 7 << 2, REG(op.a), 0, PN_FALSE); // cmpwi cr7,rA,0x0
  TAG_JMP(0x409E0000, pos + op.b); // bne

void potion_ppc_notjmp(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, PN_OP *start, PNJumps *jmps, size_t *offs, int *jmpc) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC(11, 7 << 2, REG(op.a), 0, PN_FALSE); // cmpwi cr7,rA,0x0
  TAG_JMP(0x419E0000, pos + op.b); // beq

void potion_ppc_named(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_call(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_callset(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_tailcall(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_return(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos) {
  PN_OP op = PN_OP_AT(f->asmb, pos);
  PPC_MOV(3, REG(op.a)); // or r3,rA,rA
  PPC3(32, 1, 1, 0); // lwz r1,(r1)
  PPC3(46, 30, 1, 0xFFF8); // lmw r30,-8(r1)
  ASMI(0x4e800020); // blr

void potion_ppc_method(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_OP **pos, long lregs, long start, long regs) {

void potion_ppc_class(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp, PN_SIZE pos, long start) {

void potion_ppc_finish(Potion *P, struct PNProto * volatile f, PNAsm * volatile *asmp) {

void potion_ppc_mcache(Potion *P, vPN(Vtable) vt, PNAsm * volatile *asmp) {

void potion_ppc_ivars(Potion *P, PN ivars, PNAsm * volatile *asmp) {


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